About the European Movement

Who We Are

The European Movement was founded by Winston Churchill in 1949 to promote European unity. For over 75 years, we have worked to build a closer relationship with our European neighbours.  

The European Movement is a cross-party, single-issue organisation. We are powered by our 21,000 members, over 200,000 campaign supporters, over 100 local groups, and our strong networks in Westminster and the EU. 

The European Movement President is Lord Heseltine, and our Chair is Dr Mike Galsworthy. The Movement’s strategy is determined by our National Council – a 100 strong body of campaigners from across the UK. Sir Nick Harvey, CEO, leads the staff team and oversees operational delivery of the strategy. 

What We Believe

The UK shares deeply held values and a common history with our European neighbours. The EU and its member states are natural trading, security, diplomatic and cultural partners for the UK and, together, we can exercise powerful influence on the world stage. 

It is becoming increasingly clear that Britain’s decision to leave the EU is not working out well in practice and isn’t going to. The UK’s economic and political interests, and the global pursuit of our shared values of peace, freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law are best achieved through the UK rebuilding closer ties with the European Union. 

Our History

Over 75 years, we have worked to build a closer relationship with the rest of Europe. We played a significant role in securing the UK’s membership of the European Community in 1975. Today, we are tracking and spotlighting, with grave concern, the practical impacts of the UK’s decision to leave. We are continuing that long legacy of pro-European campaigning.

Our Strategy

The European Movement’s mission now is to address head-on the issue that UK politics is avoiding: acknowledging and highlighting the damaging impacts of Britain’s decision to leave the European Union. It is in the UK’s national interest to reverse that damage and build back our relationship with the EU 


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